
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

How did I fall in-love with lipstick? (Lippies Swatches)

I am not really the type of person who loves to wear lipstick. I am always afraid to wear one when I was in high school, since it is actually unnecessary to wear lipstick when you're inside the campus. Why? Because in a public school like mine, wearing lipstick is inappropriate, your teachers might scold you or your classmates might tease you. So, i used to wear lipbalms or lipgloss at that time. Me and my friends used to have the 'kikay kit' or 'grooming kit'. It contains, baby powder, ponds pink face powder (that we usually use as blush on), eyeliner, eyelash curler and of course lipgloss. The only time that I can remember when i used to wear lipstick was during my Senior's prom and graduation day. I really hated it and I am ashamed of wearing lipstick that time, maybe I am not confident wearing it. But that was before.

When I was in college, things change but in a gradual process. I still go for lipgloss, and at that point I wear mascara too.  But you can't see even one lipstick on my grooming kit. There's foundation, blush, eye lash curler, mascara, lipgloss and eyeliner, but there's no lipstick. After graduation, that's the time I decided to wear lipstick, the moment that I bought the Nichido lippy in Raspberry and found out that it suits my skin tone. So usually, I wear lipstick whenever I have a job interview or I'm going out to mall or church. 

Suddenly, things changed, when I got my first job, and have been hooked on reading beauty blogs, it affected me a lot. It makes me become more conscious about how do I look and become a make-up addict, but not really too much. So, today, I know now how to wear lipstick, and starting to LOVE them. I learned that, lipstick can really change a girl's look. It can literally change and make your face bloom. And I know now how to pair and when to use Red, Pink, and orangey lippies. I even learned how to identify its undertones. hehe 

So that's the story of 'How I fell inlove with lipstick', how bout you guys? What's your story about falling inlove with lippies? 

Oh by the way, last Saturday I decluttered my make-up organizer. And I decided to make a lipstick swatch. I am starting to collect lipstick as of now, so I only have few here.

So here's the swatches:

AND MORE PICTURES, here are the pink lipstick that I have:

pictures were taken without flash, you can se here that Nyx Louisiana really stands out.

  • Lime Crime - P900 ?
  • Revlon - I don't really know the price it was just a gift from my cousin
  • Nyx Louisiana - P140
  • Aido - P100 with eyeshadow palette

Here's the Ever Bilena Lipstick from their palette, it doesn't actually have a label on it:

Again, with no flash, The first one on the left side is almost similar to Nyx Louisiana but 2 shades lighter, while the 2nd from the left is a nude one, it looks good with a smokey eye, while the 3rd one is a dark red with brown undertone, you can pair it with just eyeliner and the last on the right side is my favorite, almost like bright magenta but still wearable. These lipsticks come in a EB palette, i forgot how much it was but it's likely more or less P300.00 only with 6 e/s and 2 blush on.

And the orangey shades:
Nichido is a pretty coral lipstick, it really suits the my dark lips it looks so natural. While the Avon lipstain is good for everyday use like if you wanna go to market w/o overlooking. The Nyx rose is a shimmer red with pink undertone, good for everyday use too if you don't want the too much red. The Avon Simply pretty in Cinammon, it was really red if you swipe it like 2 times, but a wearable one thou. And last the Aido 09, it is orangey and good for a summer kissed look :)

  • Nichido - P 165.00
  • Avon Lipstain - P 150?
  • Nyx Rose - P140
  • Aido - P25

*Would you like to know which lipstick / lipcream stays for good? After I've done the swatching I immediately washed my arms with running water and a bar soap, but before that, I let the water runs through it and everything stays on its place, no lippy has been smudged, so afterwards, I washed them with a bar soap, and 70 % of the lipstick had been removed, but the Ever Bilena lipcream / lipstick stained my arm, so for second time around, I get my shower gel and my shower net to remove the residue of the lip creams. It surprised me, because EB lippies were the most inexpensive lipstick among the rest and it actually stays for good and hard to remove, maybe because it is more likely on creams which has thick texture.

*And one more thing, I let my dog to sniff my arm before I wash it, he doesn't like the smell of the lipsticks except for the lime Crime Pink planet, he really stop on the area where I swatched the LC and he really wanted to lick it. hahaha. (LC lippy smells like candy thou)

That's all for now. Next time I'll be making a swatch on my lips.
Hope you did enjoy this post!



  1. Wow.. ang dami ate a. :) Ako rin nung HS ako ayaw ko ng lipstick feeling ko kasi ang arte arte ko. Haha. pero nung college ayun sobrang love ko na rin. pero yung matte lang kasi di ko bagay yung may shine shine.. EB off beat Pink lang lagi nasa bag ko. at kaht san ako mag punta yun lang gamit ko. siguro mejo takot ako gumamit ng iba kasi feeling ko di ko bagay.. I saw your pictures te and you really look pretty with your lipstick :)

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