
Monday, November 12, 2012

Liebster Award, and question tags!

Bad news. It's Monday again. Aw, days went too fast every weekend noh? Anyways, something brightened up my day. Two of my followers tagged me and awarded me the "Liebster Blog Award"! Thank you Clai and Eyah!

As you all know, it is actually a tagging question. So here's how it goes:

Post 11 random facts about you.
Answer 11 questions from the blogger who tagged you.
Tag 11 bloggers who has less than 200 followers.
Let them know that you tagged them.

 Here's Eyah's 11 question tag:

1. What is your favorite Motto when it comes to Beauty or Fashion?

- Be Pretty in Thrifty Ways. That's my very own motto that I made for myself.
Since I can't afford those luxurious beatuy products like MAC, Lancome, Sephora, Urban Decay and etc. I don't want it to stop me from beautifying myself. I believe that it does not necessarily mean that you have to use expensive products to be able to feel beautiful, it's about how you appy it, the technique and the right attitude towards the things that you did no matter how expensive or cheap the product is.

2. How long do you spend your time blogging in a day?
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- To be specific, creating a post spend me 10 minutes -1hour. It depends on the product that I am reviewing.
But with regards to the time that I spend reading others blogs, I spend 2-3 hours, specially if I have nothing to do here at work.

3. Do you love reading over writing or writing over reading?
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- This is a tricky question. But maybe I do love reading over writing. Hence, I could not be inspired to write my own blog after reading the blogs of the bloggers that I look up to.
4. Who is your favorite You tube gurus? or Favorite You tube Channel?
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- My long time favorite Youtube guru is Jen of fromheadtotoe.

5. Would you go for a plastic surgery is your given a chance?
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- Hmm, I know that we are entitled to our own opinion. I am not against to those who undergone surgeries (expect for the transgenders), and since I really do hate my nose, given the chance, I would go for a nose lift (nyahahaha evil laugh!).

6. What can you say about "Singapore Authentic" cosmetics that are all over the market now?
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"It's cool and affordable". That's the very first thing that I thought of after hearing affordable MAC products which came from Singapore. Well, that's the moment when I am not really aware of the real price of MAC products and other expensive makeup. But for me, it's not a good thing. "Kumbaga, natatapakan yung pangalan ng original products".

7. Do you wear unbranded clothes?
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- OH of course I do! I actually have lots of unbranded clothes on my closet. I am a thrifty person, so I always go for the unbranded one as long as it looks good on me.

8. Single or Taken?
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- In between. Just kidding. I am proud of being  SINGLE.

9. Favorite Music that you keep on playing recently?
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- Rumour has it by Adele, Halo by Beyonce.

10. Do you believe that First Love never dies?
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- Yes I do. That's why I can't still forget my first love. ayie! Landi??

11. Can you leave your house without putting anything on your face? even powder?
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- I can't. I am not born with beautiful skin. I suffer from acne and too many issues is going onto my skin. So yeah, I can't leave home without putting anything. But for the minimal look I always go for moisturizer, lipbalm, powder and eyebrows grooming!

And these are Clai's 11-question tag:
 1. What are your imperfections?
Okay. I have my top 5 imperfections:
My acne prone skin
My flat nose :|
My curly freezy hair
I'm a sweaty person
(ang gross ko namang tao! hahaha)

2. Favorite lip product?
Lipstick = Maybeliine & Ever Bilena
Lip cream = Excel Lip Creams
Lip Balm = Nivea & Human Nature

3. Are you into nail art?
Yes I am so into nail art. I've been doing it since when I was in grade school! It was my first love prior to makeup.

4. How long have you been blogging and why did you choose to blog?
I started blogging last year, month of October. I just decided to try writing since I am very inspired with my favorite bloggers. I also wanted to show to others that cheap products are really great.

5. What is your passion next to blogging?
Passion next to blogging? Hmmm, I think collection shoes.

6. Three thing you want to have this Christmas.
Dang. Sorry but I don't celebrate Christmas., but I do want something for that holiday, marelease na yung half 13th month ko so I can buy new camera. And a surprise gift from someone. Sana! lol. And last but not the least, the holiday vacation!

7.  Who's your favorite beauty blogger?
My long time favorite bloggers are:
Jen of fromheadtotoe
Bubz of bubzbeauty
Local are:
Liz of projectvanity
Martha of beautyjunkee
Noe of colorismyweapon
Maggie of abeautifulrhapsody

8. Who is your celebrity crush?
Naku I have lots of crushes. lol Eto na:
Mario Lopez
Earl Wentworth Miller III
Johnny Depp
Christian Bale
Chris Hemsworth
Gian Paolo Venuta
At sobrang dami pa. nyahahaha

9. Are you happy and contented with your facial features?
Hmm, kahit ganito itsura ko, somehow I am still thankful. Thou I don't have the appearance of "girl next door", at least I was born normal, and I do believe that every person has their own uniqueness. And I think I should be thankful for that.

10. Chocolates or candies?
Chocolates :)

11.  What is one thing you want to do before you die?
Well, before I die, I think I should have proven to God that I am qualified  to his so called "Resurrection" that you can read on John 5:28,29. So even if I die, I still have the chance to live on the paradise earth with my loved ones.

And there you have it!
I always enjoy answering question tags!

Now it's my turn to tag 11 bloggers, and of course I give them too the "Liebster Blog Award"!
 (some of them have more than 200 followers)
Iya of Missplpify
Glen of Wickedmouth  
Tintin of Pinay Maria
Catherine of 'Make Personality, Your Beauty'
Ile of A hint of Sunlight
Rae of Scatterbraintures
 Winnie of Wynes
Jonna of 
 Laviña of Laviña LAVIÑA Laviña
Krizzia of Sweetstrings
Pam of Girl in Pink Stilettos

And here's my 11 question tag:

1.) What are your favorite tv shows? Name 3.
2.) Are you planning to stop blogging, if so, when?
3.) If you can reveal one evil thing that you did since the day that you were born, what is it?
4.) If you have the chance to date a celebrity, who is she / he?
5.) How old do you want to be when you get married?
6.)Which part of you that you hate the most?
7.) If you will be a Survivor castaway, and you only have 1 thing that you can bring from your "grooming kit / beauty products" what will it be?
8.) Will you compromise your religious beliefs for someone you love?
9.) Would you rather go for curly or straight hair?
10.) What is the most inspirational quote that you can share to others?
11.) Given the chance would you rather have:
a. house and lot worth 5M pesos
b. 2 luxurious cars of your own choice
c. A tour around the world

Please do notify me once you answer the tag questions.

And have a great day everyone!



  1. I'm glad you like it! :)) love your motto "Be Pretty in Thrifty Ways." :)

  2. Thank you for answering the questions! We have a lot in common!! Nakakatuwa basahin yung mga answers mo. :)

    I think you forgot the 11 random facts? Hehe anyway, thanks uli!

  3. Same here, when I was in my early 20s, I wanted to get a nosejob so bad (but I didn't have the money).

  4. Jen is one of my favorites too! I love love love watching her! Ang cute kasi! para pa xang nahihiya minsan!. :) I really enjoyed reading this sis! enjoy basta nagtataglish ka! Cge I'll do this and inform you! Mejo nauubusan na ako ng topic to blog about eh.

  5. awww got to read it Jenny! thank you! that's so sweet of you :)
    and oh em! we both like Chris Hemsworth! hehe :)))


  6. 1.) Yan marami ako: American Horror Story, Fringe, The Walking Dead yung mga latest. Yung mga luma like Lost, Prison Break, That 70s Show naenjoy ko rin nang sobra.
    2.) Planning, no. I guess I will eventually stop if a better platform for self-expression comes along. Hindi ko naman kaya mag-video blog or mag-pod cast, so definitely written blogs pa rin. If I stop blogging, then probably I’ll still be doing something similar.
    3.) One lang? Andami eh. It’s documented on my blog hahaha.
    4.) Si Ate Gay na lang sya lang naman ang celebrity na natutuwa ako wahahahha
    5.) No particular age. Nasa mindset naman yun eh wala sa numbers LOL
    6.) My monobrows LOL. On second thought I love them LOL.
    7.) Nail cutter. Hindi ko makaya na mahaba ang kuko for a long time at hindi ko rin alam kagatin para umikli…
    8.) I guess so LOL.
    9.) Curly. Curly na buhok ko ngayon eh. Natry ko na ipa-straighten dati hindi ko na inulit haha.
    10.) Life’s a Bitch and then you die! Haha
    11.) A.) House and Lot! Hindi ko hilig ang cars. I like to travel but not necessarily the whole world…

    Ako lang ata ang guy na ni-tag mo? LOL

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Ui Glen(n) thank you! Hehe I thought nacocornyhan ka sa mga tag questions. Kung alam ko lang na gusto mo pala ginawa ko ng 50 questions (parang long quiz lang).
      Apir!Love mo rin pala prison break, ako rin :)
      Mukang nasa puso mo talaga ang pagboblog.Obvious naman e.
      About the eyebrows, haha cool. Di halata ha.Tara ishave naten!nyahahaha. Ikaw lang kasi ang lalaking blogger na pumansin sa blog ko so I can't tag anyone else.
      Katuwa naman. Thanks for you time. Mwuah!

  7. congrats on the award! :) and yayy for another Chris Hemsworth lover :) he's such a sexy Australian.

    your blog is so amazing by the way! <3

    1. Hi dear! Welcome to my blog. Thanks for the appreciation!

  8. I really enjoyed reading this. I'm always interested in knowing how long other people spend blogging/on other people's blogs. I spend about an hour or two usually.


  9. Ang galing nito sis ah!~ hehehehe ikaw na!

  10. Thanks for this! I'll answer the questions soon :)

  11. congrats girl for having nominated for that award!
    anyway, im conducting an international blog giveaway right now and ill be glad if you join. :)

    here's the link:

  12. Are you looking for free YouTube Views?
    Did you know that you can get these AUTOMATICALLY & TOTALLY FOR FREE by registering on Like 4 Like?


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