
Friday, May 24, 2013

The cheapest hand cream??

We hate it when our face becomes dull and dry, aren't we? On my previous post I reviewed a product which is great for moisturizing my face. But then I remember, how about my hands? I  don't really have super dry hands, but I do whenever I wash the dishes because of detergent soap or dish washing liquids, and of course when I am inside a very cool room (but it doesn't happen in my work unless it is raining hard). We often use our hands in every single minute of the day. And it will look saggy when it is not well moisturized. We don't want to have old looking hands right?

Since I am not a big fan of hand creams, I decided to still make a review of this product because I know it will benefit YOU (my dear readers). So if you are one of those who always have drying hands, this SUPER AFFORDABLE MOISTURIZING HAND CREAM is for you. Don't worry, this will not cost you a lot. Hmmm, when I say affordable, I mean less than P20.00. Yes, this hand cream is only P17.00! And you can find it in any WATSON'S branch near you.

Body Treats Perfumed moisturizing hand cream.

The original amount is P59.00 but watson's permanently marked down this to P17.00.
Great steal, isn't it??!!

At the bottom part of the product you can see it's expiration date.
(sorry for the blurry piktyor!)

This is how small the product is. It contains 30ML which is good for about 1 month usage.

This hand cream contains aloe vera (which is a good moisturizing ingredient), Vitamin E and Sweet Almond extracts.

Does it works?
YES! It really works. I actually love this product. It doesn't give me the greasy feeling unlike other moisturizing hand creams. I specially like it's scent which has a sweet milky, refreshing smell. It moisturize my hands very well.

If I am correct, it has 3-4 variants. 
So grab one when you visit Watsons! And you will surely love this too! 
Rainy day is coming (I was about to say winter is coming lol #GOT) so this product will become a must!

Have you tried this product?
What other hand creams you already tried?
Lemme hear your thoughts by commenting below :)
Have a nice day everyone!

Coming up:
The Barbie Nails.
Find out what nail polish I wear here.


  1. I've tried that one before and I liked it :)

  2. P59 to P17? If I happen to see this. I'm definitely gonna pick it up. Although I must admit, I'm not as consistent when it comes to hand cream. The general rule is you have to apply once in a while to keep your hand moisturized dba?

    btw, thanks for your comment on my blog. I do agree that a lot of people who likes reading are "deep". But I've also met a lot of people who don't read as much but have deep thoughts and vice-versa. Actually I'm pretty "shallow" myself. hahahaha
    We should meet up sometime and you should model for me. hehehe. let me take some of your OOTDs. :)

  3. Back then I didn't get the point of hand creams. But after trying out my first hand cream, I now have a few piled on top of my desk at home. Hahaha! :P


  4. Lovely Post and blog! Its good that the cream doesn't leave a greasy feeling, i think i'll definitely try it out :)
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