
Monday, October 15, 2012

MissPLPify Suesh Giveaway!

Hi guys, I know we are all disappointed after seeing that our page views on our blogs has been re-set. I am very very sad that this is happening now. Well, I do hope that google will soon address this problem.

Anyway, I still have a good news for you. Iya, of MissPLPify is having her first giveaway with Suesh. She is giving away Suesh makeup brushes and a lot more to 3 winners.

How to join?

General Rules (this was directly copied from her blog):
A. If you're below 18 years old, you must have parental consent to join this contest. I will be asking the winners for their addresses.

B. SUBSCRIBE to my channel:
Follow my blog:
Follow me via twitter:
“Like” my Facebook page:  
“Like” Suesh's Facebook page:
Follow Suesh on twitter:  

Mechanics for Major Prize Contestants:
  1. Create a Holiday inspired makeup look, ( Christmas, Thanksgiving or New Year )
  2. Leave it as a Video Response to my channel with this title: Iya's Suesh Giveaway
  3. Contestants will be judged based on Creativity 40% Precision of applying and explaining how to put on makeup 10% Entertainment value 50%

Mechanics for Minor Prize Winners ( I'll be randomly choosing 2 winners )

  1. Go to my blog and make sure that you accomplish ALL of the task mentioned in the Rafflecopter box.

Winners will be announced on January 10. I'll be emailing the winner to inform them as well, however the winner has 2 days to confirm their response to me or else, I'll be drawing another winner.

Watch this video link for more info.

Click HERE to join.

1 comment:

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