
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Holiday Nails

I just wanted to make this post simple and quick!
So, here I am sharing with you another Nail art inspiration.
You can try this and it will surely glam your nails! 
Good for those who will celebrate holidays!

This was actually inspired with my braces. haha I have violet ligatures so mixing blue nail polish with red glitters gave me violet tips! And this looks similar HERE.

Wanna know what and how much nail polish did I use here?

So, how'd ya like it?

Thanks and love you guys!


  1. Love your nails! :) I hope I can grow mine longer, it always breaks. :|

    New follower here! :) I hpe you'll followback. :)

  2. ang ganda!! you nailed it talga! bongga! ^_~


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