
Sunday, October 14, 2012

Thrifty Weekend Haul

We went to Gilmore yesterday to buy new mobo for my computer. Though we weren't able to find new one, that is compatible for my processor, we were still fortunate to find a second hand mobo, at least my computer is working again now. And I'm glad that I can be consistent again in updating my blog. So, since I bought something yesterday, I am going to share with you the good finds that I've got.

We passed by at Sta.Lucia Grand Mall and Robinson's Metro East and here's what I've found:
 Some clothes, beauty and personal care.

Sunsilk Shield & Frizz Control Light Cream P60.00 
 Since I run out of Sunsilk Straight Perfection Hair Serum, I opted for this variant. I will post a review about this very soon!

 And some goodies from HBC:
Hygienix Hand Spray P15.00
Tweezers P33.00 (which is very useless)
Razor P15.00

L.A Colors Nude Lipstick + Lipgloss P99.00 set
 I've been seeing this L.A product from Dollar Store for a long time, and since I am looking for affordable nude lipstick, I bought this one that comes with a lipgloss. Natawa ako when mom reminds me na "Akala ko ba hindi ka na muna bibili ng makeup?", and I was like "Eto lang naman". And I was surprised this morning about this lippy, will tell it to you soon why! hehehe

I also bought this top for mom at Cris boutique P99.00

Rafael Long sleeve P450.00
(originally at P899.00)
I also bought this for my dear brother :)

And that's it. 
I hope you enjoyed the weekend guys!

I am just simply amazed that I still gained followers and views even if I'm not updating my blog everyday.
Thank you all guys for the love!



  1. awesome haul Jenny!



    Suesh Giveaway:

  2. Hahaha! nakakainis tlga yang mga tweezers that end up being useless. That's why whenever I acquire a good pair of tweezers, di ko tlga pinakakawalan! Looking forward with what you have to say about the lipstick and gloss! Lapit na kasi ang December.. Doing my Christmas shopping little by little. :)

    And I'm glad ok na pc mo! yehey!

  3. haha, I have the same experience with tweezer!! useless talga!!! T___T


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